Compliance Advocacy Solutions provides compliance support to Insurers, AFSL holders, Authorised Reps, Distributors, Insurance brokers and Claim Service Suppliers in meeting their compliance challenges including:
- Day to day compliance activities
- Regulatory change impacts
- Project work including the raft of regulatory reform arising from the regulatory reform and the 2020 General Insurance Code of Practice.
This includes uninterrupted services during the COVID19 Pandemic. Our working environment and way of work is designed around a working remotely business model. We therefore respond to your needs in a quick, cost-effective manner.
Our experience and knowledge enables us to offer compliance solutions that place the consumer at the heart of compliance and regulatory obligations to ensure that the conduct of the organisation aligns with its values and stakeholder expectations.
Our approach is tailored to meet your needs whether to assist with Compliance projects, specific compliance tasks and activities or as a short-gap compliance resource.
Our services include:
- Design and review of Policy, Guidelines, Processes, Procedures and other compliance documents
- Compliance frameworks
- Compliance 1st and 2nd line of defence capability
- Compliance plans /Obligations management – development and implementation
- Compliance documentation, manual, guideline reviews
- Compliance ”business as usual” assistance focusing upon specific tasks and activities
- Implementation of regulatory change
- Implementation of 2020 General Insurance Code of Practice
- License management
- Complaints and incidents management
- Breach management
- Product management lifecycle including Design & Distribution Obligations
- Smooth transition when introducing new risk management systems, Insurtech or Regtech applications
- Internal or external (regulatory) reviews and inquiries
- Remediation of significant breaches or systemic issues
- Conflicted remuneration
- Risk management