A virtual coffee with Paul aka ”Up Yours, COVID-19″

I love meeting people and I love coffee.

I am enjoying life immensely as a consultant and a great day is meeting people over a coffee. I enjoy hearing each person’s own personal story and journey. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and insights. I have absolutely cherished meeting a whole heap of wonderful and interesting people over a coffee…then along came bloody  COVID-19 and stuffed it all up. Well I’m not going to let COVID-19 interrupt this simple pleasure of life.

So I’m shouting out UP YOURS, COVID-19

I have Zoom, Skype and Microsoft Teams and if all that doesn’t work I have a mobile phone. Coffee is no issue so the only thing I’m missing is YOU.

Why is this a service?

As part of ‘paying it forward’, I provide my thoughts, insights and impacts of the Financial Services reforms, 2020 GI Code of Practice and other industry happenings in context of your business and role.

There must be a catch?

Nope, no catch. Its as simple as having a ”virtual” coffee with Paul

What next?

Send me a message or email and your availability and let’s lock in a video conference and together we can shout

UP Yours! COVID-19